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Author Archive for: ‘Myrick CPA’

If You’re Self-Employed, Here’s What to Expect When Filing Your Taxes

In the past few years, self-employment, or working as a freelancer, has become a popular means to earn a living while pursuing creative ideas or working on passion projects. However, along with the many benefits of being your own boss, such as scheduling and completing work at your convenience, there are tax repercussions of which you need to be aware. For self-employment tax reporting, there’s some specific information and documentation you must have on hand when tax time rolls around. If you’re self-employed, here’s what to expect when you file your taxes.

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Posted by: Myrick CPA Posted on: Apr 13 2023

When Do You Need to Hire a CPA for Tax Preparation?

The April tax deadline is looming. If you haven’t filed your taxes yet, you may be debating whether to hire a CPA or do them yourself. If you do decide to engage a professional, must they be a CPA? Knowing when the time is right to bring in a CPA can help you run your business more successfully. So… when do you need to hire a CPA for tax preparation?

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With Just Days to Go, Tax Time is Upon Us! Do You Need an Extension?

Love it or hate it, tax time is looming large. (Not that we think many of you love it, unless of course you’re receiving a tidy sum in a refund).  All through the winter, and into spring, you try to stop thinking about it (or you've completely forgotten), but the deadline is drawing very near.  You are supposed to get your taxes filed before the 18th of April, and there's no time left to tip-toe around the topic. With just days to go, tax time is truly upon us! Do you need an extension?

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Introducing Myrick's Client Care Services Plan for Your Peace of Mind

When you open your mailbox and find a simple white envelope with the return address containing the words “Internal Revenue Service” or “State Tax Commission”, you might feel your heart skip a beat as anxiety sets in. It could be a simple notice informing you of your Identity Protection PIN, or a request for more information, or possibly a notification of something more serious, such as potential tax identity theft or an impending audit. Once you steel yourself to open the envelope, it’s likely that your initial thoughts will be along the lines of  “How do I handle this?” and “Who can help me?” This is the reason that we at Myrick CPA are introducing the Client Care Services Plan - for your peace of mind.

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Posted by: Myrick CPA Posted on: Feb 23 2023

How to Prevent Online Scams - and What to Do if Targeted

Flimflam, scam, con, shakedown, racket . . . to borrow Shakespeare's phrase, "A fraud by any other name would be as deceitful." Scams have been perpetrated on individuals and companies for at least 2,500 years, and the tools used to carry out the crimes are ever-changing. An expansive list of possible scam scenarios will not likely cover all possibilities. Learning to beware of the signs of potential fraud and how to respond is a more effective method to protect yourself from becoming the victim of an online scam. Here a few hints on how to prevent online scams - and what to do if you’ve been targeted.

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Posted by: Myrick CPA Posted on: Dec 09 2022

Facing a Tax Audit? You May Need Help from a Tax Resolution Specialist

CPA Charles Myrick has more than twenty years of experience in tax resolution. He is highly skilled in advising, representing, and negotiating with the IRS on behalf of his clients who are being audited or who owe back taxes, in addition to other problems they may be facing. The Myrick staff are exceptional when it comes to taking on the challenges of complicated audits, and reducing stress on their clients. If you are facing a tax audit, you may need help from a tax resolution specialist.

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Posted by: Myrick CPA Posted on: May 26 2022

Wondering Where Your Tax Refund Is?

We are now almost six weeks from the tax filing date of April 18, and some of you might be wondering where your tax refunds are. Here are some helpful suggestions about how to check on your refund.

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Posted by: Myrick CPA Posted on: Mar 24 2022

Why You Should File Electronically As Soon As Possible

COVID-19 and the resulting shutdown in 2020 disrupted nearly everything in our society and almost every business and institution. Many are still dealing with the repercussions, whether involving supply chain issues or employee shortages. One of those institutions greatly impacted by the pandemic is the IRS.

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Posted by: Myrick CPA Posted on: Feb 10 2022

Problem Tax Cases Call for a Tax Resolution Specialist

Charles Myrick, a Certified Public Accountant, has more than two decades of experience representing taxpayers with the IRS. He is highly knowledgeable and experienced in what is known as tax resolution the specialty of advising, representing, and negotiating with the IRS on behalf of taxpayers in problem tax cases. He and his staff feel a real sense of satisfaction from solving difficult problem tax cases and removing the giant weight off a client’s shoulders that comes from stressful interactions with tax authorities.

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