Debt has become more the rule than the exception in the financial lives of most Americans. The best financial advice anyone can offer, however, is to free yourself from a seemingly endless cycle of debt accumulation and repayment. Debt can hinder other financial goals and get in the way of investing in your future.
There is no getting around the fact that it takes money to live in the world today. But it is also a fact that those who are most successful in building wealth, know how to manage their money and avoid the high cost of living in debt.
Anytime you use credit to acquire a product or service without cash to pay for the entire cost, that is debt. Even if you make timely payments on a credit card or a loan that you include into your budget, what you owe is still debt. Debt is any money you owe to anyone else.
Debt can include:
Your everyday living expenses like rent, utility costs, taxes, insurance, professional services, childcare, gasoline, car maintenance, and food are not considered debt. Your mortgage is a form of debt, but it’s not on the debt list because it’s also an investment. That is, it is most likely continuing to appreciate in value, even as you work to pay down the balance. Once you’re out of debt, pay off your mortgage early to save interest.
Get rid of debt as soon as possible. Here are the steps to pay off your debt for good:
Eliminating debt can enable setting other financial goals and realizing your ultimate lifestyle and dreams for the future. Myrick CPA can help you come up with a realistic budget to pay down your debt. Even while you are working on debt elimination, we can help you position yourself for wealth-building, investing, and retirement. Get in touch with us to see how we can help you attain financial freedom today.