Myrick CPA | Tips and Tools for Managing Personal and Small Business Finances

How to Survive a Tax Audit

Written by Charles P Myrick CPA | 11/2/23 12:15 PM

Facing an IRS audit can be a daunting experience, to say the least, but it doesn’t have to be your worst nightmare. Being prepared and staying cooperative with the IRS in every way can significantly ease the stress of the process and protect your rights. Calling in a professional, such as an enrolled agent who is authorized to negotiate with the IRS on your behalf, can streamline the entire process and take that weight off your shoulders. Let’s explore some essential strategies that can help you learn how to survive a tax audit.

Tax Audit Survival Tips: Be Prepared

There’s no better time to have all your ducks in a proverbial row than during a tax audit. Being well-prepared with organized financial records can make the entire process smoother by leaps and bounds. Here’s how to prepare effectively for an audit:

  • Maintain Detailed Records: Keep copies of your tax returns and supporting documents like W-2 forms, 1099s, and receipts for deductible expenses. Whether you keep paper or digital files, the Internal Revenue Service typically suggests retaining these records for at least three years.
  • Create a Document System: Establish a comprehensive filing system for your tax records. Create a folder for each tax year and organize subfolders for various types of documents. Consider separate folders for income, expenses, and deductions, for example. This level of organization will help you quickly locate all the information you need in the event of an audit.

Hire a Professional to Navigate a Tax Audit

Seeking out and securing professional assistance during a tax audit can be an absolute game-changer. Enrolled Agents (EAs) are tax professionals licensed by the IRS to represent taxpayers before the agency. Here’s why hiring an EA is essential:

  • Expert Tax Code Knowledge: Enrolled Agents bring in-depth knowledge of the tax code and the audit process to the table. They also understand what to expect during an audit and how to represent your interests effectively.
  • Direct Communication: EAs have the right to communicate directly with the IRS on your behalf. This means you don’t have to deal with the IRS directly, which can be provide substantial stress relief at a less-than-relaxing time.
  • Dispute Resolution: EAs can help you resolve any tax disputes that may arise during the audit. For example, if the IRS auditor is proposing adjustments to your tax return, an EA can negotiate on your behalf to minimize or even eliminate the adjustments.

A Healthier Perspective on a Tax Audit

While it’s certainly no walk in the park to be on the receiving end of an audit, it’s vital to remember that IRS auditors are simply doing their jobs. Being honest and cooperative can go a long way in ensuring a smoother, less stressful, and less dramatic experience for everyone involved. Rather than walking into the process with anger or overwhelming anxiety, looking at it from a healthier perspective is best. Doing just a few simple things can significantly help across the board.

  • Answer Truthfully: Always answer the auditor’s questions honestly and to the best of your ability.
  • Provide Documentation: Be ready to furnish the auditor with all requested documentation promptly. Delays don’t help anyone.
  • Show Respect: While it can be frustrating to find yourself in the middle of an IRS audit, it’s vital to maintain a polite and respectful demeanor when you interact with the auditor. Anything you can do to foster a cooperative atmosphere is a net positive.

No matter how stressful it may seem, you can survive a tax audit with relative ease if you’re well-prepared, hire a professional, and maintain transparency. By following these strategies, you can reduce the hassle considerably while ensuring your rights are protected.

You don’t have to go through an audit alone. If you’re facing a tax audit, don’t hesitate to contact Myrick CPA. We offer specialized services for individuals contacted by the IRS for a potential audit, and our team of experts is here to guide you through the audit process.