Myrick CPA | Tips and Tools for Managing Personal and Small Business Finances

Mastering Your Game Plan for the 2024 Tax Season

Written by Charles P Myrick CPA | 11/9/23 1:30 PM

The seasons may change, but one thing remains a constant - the inevitability of tax season. Now, as the year winds to a close and the fall leaves have painted the town in shades of amber and gold, it's the perfect time to set the stage for a seamless preparation of next year's tax returns - so start early and you'll find yourself mastering the 2024 tax season.

Why Start Your Tax Season Planning Now?

Picture this: it's a frosty January morning, the holiday festivities have subsided, and you're surrounded by an unorganized sea of paperwork. Preparing to file your taxes under such circumstances can be stressful and often lead to costly oversights. However, if you started planning back in November, you would be feeling a lot more relaxed about the impending tax season by the time the snow starts falling.

The crisp air and falling leaves of autumn offer the perfect backdrop to set your tax season game plan in motion. By taking proactive steps to organize your tax records, understanding the importance of electronic filing, and consulting with experts like Myrick, you can master your tax season game plan for 2024. A tax planning meeting is the best and most convenient way to prepare for the coming tax season. Contact us when you're ready to schedule a virtual meeting.

Here's why starting to plan for next year's tax season in the fall is a game-changer:

  • Stress Reduction: The early bird truly does catch the worm when it comes to taxes. Getting a head start allows you to gradually compile your documents, reducing the last-minute scramble.
  • Avoiding Last-Minute Surprises: Starting now gives you time to resolve discrepancies, gather missing documents, or plan for unexpected liabilities well in advance.
  • Streamlined Digital Process with Myrick: In the digital age, organizing your tax records couldn't be easier. Myrick offers a streamlined process in which you can transfer images of your paper files digitally and upload them for seamless tax filing.

What Types of Tax Records Should You Keep?

Your tax records are the puzzle pieces that complete your tax return. Here's what you should keep in your financial filing cabinet:

  • Copies of Your Tax Returns: Having your previous years' returns handy can be invaluable for reference and identifying changes in your financial situation.
  • W-2 Forms and 1099s: These forms are essential for income reporting. As you know, they include details of your earnings - and remember that the IRS receives a copy of them, too. Ensure that you have all your documents; keep in mind that discrepancies can raise red flags.
  • Receipts for Deductible Expenses: Keep records of expenses that qualify for deductions, such as business expenses, medical costs, or charitable contributions.

How to Organize Your Tax Records

The key to effective tax planning is organization. There's no one-size-fits-all method; the essential thing is to find a system that works for you. 

  • Digital Organization: Scan your documents and save them digitally. Sort them into folders on your computer or use cloud storage for easy access.
  • Traditional Filing: If you prefer paper, use labeled folders (consider color-coding or alphabetizing), and keep them in a dedicated file drawer.
  • Digital Apps: Many apps are designed to help you track and categorize your expenses for tax purposes.

Tips for Filing Your Taxes Electronically

In today's digital world, filing taxes electronically is the new “gold standard”. It's fast, convenient, and secure. At Myrick, we offer a streamlined process for electronically filing your taxes. Despite any misgivings you may still harbor around electronic filing, the benefits of electronic filing include:

  • Faster Processing: Electronic returns are processed quicker, and you receive your refund faster.
  • Fewer Errors: E-filing reduces the chance of mathematical errors or missing information.
  • Secure Transactions: Electronic filing ensures your sensitive information is securely transmitted to the IRS.

What to Do If You Have Questions or Concerns About Your Taxes

Taxes can be complex, and questions inevitably arise. If you're ever in doubt or facing a unique situation, it's advisable to consult with a tax professional. Myrick offers a range of tax services, including tax planning, preparation, and audit representation. Our experts can help you navigate the complexities of the tax system and ensure that your financial interests are protected.

Don't let the winter holidays catch you off guard; instead, step into the new year with your tax season preparations in place. You've got this! If you have any questions or need assistance, contact Myrick CPA. Your financial peace of mind is our top priority.