Myrick CPA | Tips and Tools for Managing Personal and Small Business Finances

Is That a Light at the End of the Pandemic Tunnel?

Written by Charles P Myrick CPA | 6/24/21 1:15 PM

With so many unpredictable factors affecting our lives and the economy in 2020, how can we anticipate positive change as this year continues to unfold? The key might be to control what you can and prepare for the tides that could turn either way in the months ahead.

There’s an important balance between preparing diligently and not worrying about what you cannot control. Set yourself up for the good life in a world that is beginning to see the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel:


  • Take care of your personal needs such as proper diet and fitness. Then, get vaccinated and encourage your family and friends to do the same (unless advised differently by a trusted healthcare provider).

Small Business

  • Generate new opportunities. Leverage your social media power for marketing; make sure customers and vendors know that you are still open for business or when you plan to re-open. 
  • Show appreciation for customers and vendors who stuck with your business through the last year. If you can send a gift coupon or other small token, great, but at least take time to send a digital note of gratitude.

Myrick CPA can help you navigate the best path toward recovery and prosperity in the months and years ahead. Contact us to schedule your appointment today.