If you intend to deduct business travel expenses on your income tax return, you need to keep organized and adequate records. In the event that you are audited, having proper documentation will ensure that you will be able to substantiate your deductions and get the tax savings for which you are eligible.

In the last few years, have you purchased stock in a dot-com that's now out of business? Do you hold other shares that are now worth only pennies? In some cases, you may be able to take a tax loss for a worthless security. Here's a quick look at the tax planning rules:

There are many ways for businesses to discover where and how to save. Many of these ways are not immediately obvious. Let’s take a look at 5 surefire ways for your business to save money.

Every business should give serious consideration to how the company would deal with the death, disability, or departure of one of the owners. Like a will, a buy-sell agreement (also known as a business continuity or business operating contract) spells out how to distribute assets and other business interests should an owner quit, become disabled, or die.