With so many unpredictable factors affecting our lives and the economy in 2020, how can we anticipate positive change as this year continues to unfold? The key might be to control what you can and prepare for the tides that could turn either way in the months ahead.

Posted by: Charles P Myrick CPA
Posted on: Jun 24 2021

Posted by: Charles P Myrick CPA
Posted on: Oct 22 2020
Your business has undoubtedly been affected by the COVID pandemic. If it was once prosperous and viable, it can one day again be successful, even in a future which may never go back to “normal.” Pivoting is returning to a business model that existed during your startup to make possibly large or extreme adjustments to accommodate new growth or a changing external business environment. In the case of COVID-19, the business environment is almost alien, and to survive and thrive, pivoting to embrace and make changes is necessary.