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Is That Really the IRS Contacting Me? Learn How to Protect Yourself.

We've all heard the warnings: never give out personal information to someone claiming to be from the IRS over the phone. But did you know there are legitimate times when the IRS might need to contact you? Typically, these interactions start with a letter, but how can you be sure you're dealing with a bona fide IRS representative? Let's explore when and how the IRS might contact you and how to recognize legitimate communication from the agency.

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Posted by: Charles P Myrick CPA Posted on: Nov 02 2023

How to Survive a Tax Audit

Facing an IRS audit can be a daunting experience, to say the least, but it doesn’t have to be your worst nightmare. Being prepared and staying cooperative with the IRS in every way can significantly ease the stress of the process and protect your rights. Calling in a professional, such as an enrolled agent who is authorized to negotiate with the IRS on your behalf, can streamline the entire process and take that weight off your shoulders. Let’s explore some essential strategies that can help you learn how to survive a tax audit.

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