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Does Your Tax Preparer Offer a Service Guarantee?

Most people assume their tax preparer's job is done once their tax return is filed. But what happens if, months or even years later, the IRS sends a notice or requests more information? Not all tax service providers offer long-term support after tax season, which can leave taxpayers scrambling to respond to IRS inquiries on their own. Myrick CPA takes a different approach. Our Tax Service Guarantee provides ongoing protection, ensuring that if the IRS or state tax authorities reach out, you have a trusted professional handling the situation from start to finish.

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When Is Mediation the Best Solution for Resolving Your IRS Dispute?

When it comes to stressful life experiences, receiving a notice from the IRS about an audit or tax dispute ranks near the top. Whether it's a disagreement over an audit or an assessed penalty, taxpayers often assume their only options are filing an appeal or preparing for a long, expensive legal battle. What you may not realize is that there is a third option: mediation. Also known as alternative dispute resolution, it can be a faster, less costly path to resolving IRS issues.

Understanding when mediation makes sense and how it compares to other resolution options can help you take control of your tax situation while finding a solution that works in your favor.

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What are the Next Steps to Take After You Get a Letter from the IRS?

Seeing a letter from the IRS in your mailbox is never a good feeling, especially when you're not sure why they're contacting you or what steps you should take next. No matter why the IRS is contacting you, understanding the reasoning behind the communication is the key to resolving the issue once and for all; and with the right approach and professional support, you can confidently handle IRS concerns without the ensuing panic.

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