Flimflam, scam, con, shakedown, racket . . . to borrow Shakespeare's phrase, "A fraud by any other name would be as deceitful." Scams have been perpetrated on individuals and companies for at least 2,500 years, and the tools used to carry out the crimes are ever-changing. An expansive list of possible scam scenarios will not likely cover all possibilities. Learning to beware of the signs of potential fraud and how to respond is a more effective method to protect yourself from becoming the victim of an online scam. Here a few hints on how to prevent online scams - and what to do if you’ve been targeted.

Posted by: Myrick CPA
Posted on: Feb 23 2023

Posted by: Charles P Myrick CPA
Posted on: Dec 03 2020
Scams by phone or email have been around for years. With COVID-19 dominating 2020, scammers have become more creative and relentless. Between online shopping and year-end fundraising, the season will almost certainly include attempts by scammers to get your money.