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Supporting a Non-Profit: The Tax Benefits of Charitable Gift Annuities

Donating to a non-profit organization supports a cause that is meaningful to the contributor, but to those who are 70 1⁄2 or older, it also offers significant tax advantages. One such method is through Charitable Gift Annuities (CGAs). This financial tool allows donors to make substantial charitable contributions while also securing a steady income stream for themselves. If you're eligible, here's how you can leverage CGAs to save on your taxes while contributing to a non-profit you care about.

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Discover the Tax Benefits for Historic Designation of Your DC Home

Preserving the character and historic charm of the historic homes in Washington, DC isn't just a matter of pride; it's also an investment in the city's rich cultural heritage. The District of Columbia offers a range of tax credits to incentivize homeowners to protect and maintain historic properties. If you own a historic home in the District, explore the potential tax benefits for historic designation of your DC home.

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The Inflation Reduction Act: Tax Benefits and Eligibility for Credits

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 represents a significant milestone in U.S. tax legislation. Designed to address economic concerns and support various sectors of the economy, this legislation brings several key tax benefits to American taxpayers. Delve into the details of this complex yet vital piece of legislation.

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