The IRS recently adjusted Health Savings Accounts (HSA) rules for 2025. If you've been using an HSA as part of your financial plan, now is a great time to revisit your strategy to ensure it's still working as well as possible. Understanding these new changes is a vital part of making sure you're maximizing your tax savings and the benefits of your HSA.
Getting a big tax refund might feel like a financial win, but there’s another side to the story. While it’s nice to receive a check from the IRS, that money was yours all along. In essence, you’ve been giving the government an interest-free loan. Let’s take a closer look at tax refunds and how you can keep more of your money throughout the year.
When it comes to managing your taxes, understanding the difference between tax preparation and tax planning can have a major impact on your overall financial health. While both services are vital, they serve different purposes and offer unique benefits. Finding out what sets them apart, and why hiring a CPA to help you with both prep and planning can be a game-changer for your finances.
As tax season begins to wind down, you're likely breathing a sigh of relief, with your financial documents and receipts soon to be stowed away until next year. Before you tuck those files away, consider this: the very best time to craft your tax savings plan is actually right now.
It's tax time again, which often means a flurry of activity, a blizzard of paperwork, and an avalanche of mixed information. Arguably, one of the most important decisions you'll face this tax season is whether to take the standard deduction or itemize your deductions. This seemingly minor decision can have a massive impact on the complexity of your filing process but can still be the best choice in many situations. Explore the world of itemized deductions to equip yourself with the knowledge you need to make an informed decision tailored to your unique tax situation.
The seasons may change, but one thing remains a constant - the inevitability of tax season. Now, as the year winds to a close and the fall leaves have painted the town in shades of amber and gold, it's the perfect time to set the stage for a seamless preparation of next year's tax returns - so start early and you'll find yourself mastering the 2024 tax season.
It’s no secret that marriage is a life-changing event, often in ways you never expected. One of those oft-overlooked changes is the impact that getting married can have on your taxes. Learn more about the eligibility criteria and explore the best strategies to maximize your savings. Whether you’re newlyweds or are celebrating a milestone anniversary, a better understanding can help you and your spouse make more informed financial decisions. There are a relatively broad range of tax breaks for married couples. Discover the advantages and benefits, all of which have the potential to lead to significant savings.
It's no secret that it can be frustrating to navigate the complexities of US tax codes and regulations. Of course, the last thing anyone wants is to find themselves facing tax penalties. While every situation is unique, there are some common pitfalls that can trigger penalties, so empowering yourself with a bit of information can help you stay compliant. Here’s a brief guide on how to avoid the costly consequences of tax penalties.
June isn't just a time for soaking up the early summer sun; it's the most popular month for couples to get married. About 10.8% of engaged couples will set a date sometime in June, which edges out August for the most wedding-saturated month of the year. Whether you’re having a small or large ceremony, a reception for 20 or 200, you have likely been making plans for months or even years. In the midst of all the excitement, you probably won’t be thinking about your tax filing status. When tax time rolls around next year, here’s the information you’ll need regarding how tax filing status changes for married couples.