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Create a Long-Term Financial Plan for Church Repairs and Maintenance


As a church leader, you know your church is more than just a building - to you and to your congregation. It is a place of worship, community, and hope. Unfortunately, like any other building, (especially if it is an old one), it requires regular maintenance to keep it in good condition. It’s important to think ahead, before the day comes when an emergency repair is necessary...and it’s always a good idea to create a long-term financial plan for church repairs and maintenance.

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Consider Planned Giving as Another Way to Raise Money for Your Church

As a church leader, you know that donations are essential to the success of your ministry. But what can you do to encourage your congregation to give more? And how can you ensure that your donations are used wisely?

We’ll share some ideas for increasing donations to your church, and how the money raised affects your annual financial planning. One way of guaranteeing a set amount of annual income is planned giving, which can help make your church sustainable for many years in the future. Read on to learn more, and consider planned giving as another way to raise money for your church.

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Posted by: Charles P Myrick CPA Posted on: Dec 22 2022

Managing Fundraising and Budgeting for Your Church in the New Year

As we near the close of Advent on the Christian calendar, Christmas is just around the corner. During this beautiful season of light and hope, we celebrate the Nativity of the Lord and look forward to the possibilities of the new year. For church leaders, it’s also a time of planning and budgeting for their programs which support the community. Ministries both large and small face many of the same quandaries year after year, due to funding uncertainties and rising costs. Read through for some helpful ideas if you are tasked with managing fundraising and budgeting for your church.

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