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Small Business Owner Meeting with Her Accountant Myrick CPA DC
Posted by: Charles P Myrick CPA Posted on: Aug 04 2022 Posted in: CFO Services

CFO Services: Your Small Business Advantage

Do you spend countless hours balancing your books, invoicing, managing payroll, and following up on collecting payments? Do you feel like you're making important financial decisions without sufficient information? If so, CFO services are what you need.

As your company or nonprofit grows, you may feel like you are constantly making decisions in the dark because you lack a true financial picture. The first step is to lay a solid ground to put in the basics of your accounting and finance functions. This is something that our Chief Financial Officer (CFO) services at Myrick CPA can do for you.

We can also help with the next equally important step producing complete information and forward-looking financial analysis to allow you to make informed decisions. This includes producing forward-looking projections and customized tracking of each desired aspect of your operation.

Financial Management Strategy

One of the leading reasons small businesses fail has to do with cash flow. To succeed, every small business needs to overcome cash flow problems. A CFO is someone who can advise on a solid financial management strategy to manage them.

In larger companies, the position of CFO has evolved into that of a financial strategist who provides advice on a wide range of current and future issues. Often small businesses face a dilemma — they need the help of financial professionals to take their business to the next level, yet they cannot afford nor do they need, a full-time executive.

CFO Services Team

One excellent solution? A CFO Services firm can take charge of the financial side of your business. This kind of relationship offers many benefits and minimal downside to your small company. A part-time CFO Services team provides a range of managerial tasks - from bookkeeping cleanup to managing payroll to forecasting cash flow – that is structured to save time, provide insight and free you to get back to business. Small businesses learn and benefit by partnering with an experienced finance professional with real hands-on experience solving problems.

A CFO Services firm will provide expertise in strategic, financial, accounting, and operations management. Your company will benefit from the in-depth experience of the services team without having to incur the unnecessary expenses of a full-time CFO.

And you, the business owner, can now focus on actively growing your company, knowing that your CFO Services team will keep your business on financial track.

Charles P Myrick CPA, Washington DC tax preparation firm, specializes in accounting services for small business start-ups and entrepreneurs. If you are a new entrepreneur, contact us. We invite you to learn more about our Small Business Accounting and CFO advisory services.