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Cash Flow Analysis and Why It's So Important for Small Businesses


Cash flow is the lifeblood of any small business. Without enough available cash, you won't be able to pay your staff, cover your outstanding bills, or grow your business. A comprehensive cash flow analysis is a financial statement which shows how much cash your business is bringing in and spending over time,  and it can help you identify potential problems with your cash flow.  Here’s everything you need to know about how to do a Cash Flow Analysis and why it’s so important for small businesses.

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Posted by: Myrick CPA Posted on: May 11 2023

How to Avoid a Tax Audit for Your Small Business

No one likes to think about being audited by the IRS. If you’re a small business owner and have concerns about the possibility of being chosen for an audit, take a deep breath and read on. Being aware of what triggers an audit enables you to be proactive. Here’s how to avoid a tax audit for your small business.

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Best Practices for Small Business Owners in Preparation for Tax Season

Just as sure as the daylight hours grow longer in the spring, tax time is one thing you know always rolls around each year like clockwork. For many, this annual assessment is preceded by headaches and stress, but we’re here to tell you that if you approach it strategically, tax documentation can be fairly painless. Here are some best practices for Small Business Owners in preparation for tax season.

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