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Posted by: Myrick CPA Posted on: Jan 11 2024

Clarifying Required Minimum Distributions: A Retirement Income Roadmap

The golden years often conjure images of carefree days filled with leisure activities and well-deserved relaxation. But for many retirees, a financial reality called the Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) comes into play, impacting their income and tax obligations. So, what exactly is an RMD, and how does it work? Find out how you can navigate the intricacies of RMDs, clarifying who needs to take them, how they're calculated, and the potential consequences of ignoring them.

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Posted by: Myrick CPA Posted on: Jan 04 2024

Demystifying Capital Gains Taxes: What You Should Know

For many individual taxpayers and small business owners working to navigate the ever-shifting financial landscape, the term "capital gains" looms like a shadow.  Fear not, though; unmasking this particular beast is simpler than you might think. Learn how to solve the mysteries of capital gains taxes, explore calculation methods, and uncover strategies to potentially minimize their bite.

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Big Summer Purchases and Tax Implications: How About That Boat, Huh?

Summer is the season of vacations and fun in the sun, which means it’s a time of year when many households consider or make large purchases. Whether you’re thinking of adding a new car, a boat, or a vacation property to your portfolio, it’s wise to consider the tax implications before taking the plunge. Big acquisitions can mean big tax bills, but there are ways to legally minimize your tax burden while indulging in your favorite summer activities.

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